
        办公楼为三层框架结构,抗震设防烈度为7度(0.15g)。建筑面积1485 m2,层高分别为3.9m、3.6m、3.6m,设有办公室及卫生间,建筑耐火等级为二级。单体设计说明:





容积率: 1.18

子项名称:  B-9仓库 : 15768.26平方米  

           B-10仓库 : 9494.50平方米

                    办公楼: 1485.00平方米

                    公共卫生间: 45.36平方米          

结构形式: 仓库结构形式为轻钢结构,办公楼为框架结构,公共卫生间为砖混结构

We started our business with pre-fabricated metal building systems in the year of 2001. In the early of 2004, we won class A certificate qualification in engineering design. By the end of 2004, we finally became a comprehensive design institute, and we focus on building design work since then.

Today, our institute is comprised of 6 sections with almost 50 employees. More than 20 state registered engineers and senior engineers are experienced in the fields of architecture, structure, mechanical, electrical and security systems. We can also provide design service in green building and guide in construction practice by client’s requirements. We carry out ISO9000 system in our quality control. Now our business covers the fields of Manufacturing building, Residential building, Office building and Commercial building. We consistently commit to propose complete engineering solutions to our customers, as well as serve our customers with a full stage in design work.

Our commitments are to satisfy all our clients and to provide the most professional services under a high-level standard. 

Believe us, we are a very professional building solution provider.